Saturday, September 29, 2012

Proposal for Paper 1

1.    Logos:  Passing Prop 30 is critical for the future success of all Californians.  It’s passage will not only benefit those who require an education but all of us who will be set to gain from a well educated State.  According to the Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers, a positive vote on Prop 30 “would raise an estimated $6 billion per year for schools (K-12 through community college) and public safety at the local level”.  (site)  Without this funding the quality of our education will significantly deteriorate, massive cuts will be made and tuitions will continue to skyrocket, resulting in not only children being unprepared for the rigors of university but also less people being able to afford a college education. The CCFT continues to tell us that if Prop 30 does not pass “K-12 gets cut $5.5 billion, cutting three weeks of school.  CSU gets cut $250 million, resulting in class cuts, layoff of faculty, staff and enrollment cuts.” (site).  The decisions we make today will greatly affect the future.  In other words if we do not educate our young people many essential jobs in California will not be filled, the middle class will become a much smaller group, we will become a poor and poorly educated State and the spiral downwards will continue.

I am hoping that the effect of logos on my audience will allow them to see that education is a cornerstone to success and no matter who you are, what socio economic background you come from, or whether or not you have children or grandchildren who need educating, you will be affected by this issue. 

2.    Pathos: Are we willing to have education become a privilege merely for the elite among us or is it a privilege for all to citizens to receive.  By not funding Prop 30 education is going to become even more expensive than it currently is.  In the K-12 arena parents who can afford it will prefer to send their children to private schools as the public school system looses more and more money.  College tuition will also continue to skyrocket and the numbers of students will continue to be reduced thus allowing for only the wealthiest Californians to receive higher educations.  As we see our middle class disappear and the chasm continue to widen between the small group of elite and the ever increasing poor and uneducated, it will become very clear that passing Prop 30 will benefit  all of us. 

I am hoping the effect of pathos will allow my audience to see that this is a very real scenario that can occur if we do not pass this measure.  People need to be considering the fact that the demographics will drastically change in California.  I also hope it will appeal to the caring side of people to see that it is up to all of us human beings to do what we can to support one another.
3.    Ethos:  As a mother of two college students and a student myself, I have been immersed in  the education system since my children entered kindergarten, they attended both public and private schools and I feel I have had a good view of both systems. I have lived in this State for 27 years and have paid my fair share of taxes in that time and I am more than willing to pay a little more so that not only my children can benefit but all children can benefit. 

I am hoping that the effect of ethos on my audience will have them see that I have credibility as a student, a mother and a taxpayer in this State. They will see that I have been part of the process with my own children and now myself, so I know what it takes.    I also want them to know that I have been a tax payer for many years and am willing to make additional contributions if it means that others can also benefit.  I think it is important for the audience to see that it is not just our own needs that we need to be thinking about but the big picture of our State and all of our futures.

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